Денисова Маша

Hi, I am-
Masha Denisova

Practicing targetologist

Correspondence sales specialist

Marketer with more than 16 years of experience


>3200 ad

campaigns created for
Instagram, Facebook и Google

>1500 students

studied targeting and sales
in IG/FB with me

>1300 consultations

about increasing
a customer base

>35 000 followers

in Instagram without
giveaway competitions

Emodji target

If you realize that:

Committed sale is not the effort of targetologist, salesman or designer only, but the result of well-coordinated work of sales funnel

Number of sales doesn't depend on the number of applies, but is connected with the good communication with every client

2022 is the time when correct design and maintenance of a social account are the keys to profitable ad and high sales

Then we will be able to attract
new customers together

Emodji target

Who I am?

I am a practicing marketer and advertisement & sales expert.
In my Instagram blog I talk about how to:

get your IG profile ready
for launching profitable ad

run the ads on minimal budget
and get orders at once

to make the buyout of 8 people
from 10 applicants in direct

to handle objections 'it's expensive',
'I'll think it over' etc

teach targetologists and sales managers

Emodji target

Also I deal with the
following requests:

Launching and product promotion of new goods and services in social media for Ukrainian and European market

Ad set-up and effective maintenance in Instagram and Facebook

Teaching how to attract potential customers via targeting

Teaching effective sales in correspondence in Instagram and Facebook

Online complex marketing consultations for business owners

My services

Ad setting
per 1 campaign
4  target audience
2 different advertising
4-5 days campaign maintenance
pay after the first requests from your ad
ok, I am in
Ad support
per 1 month
target audience
different advertising
30 days campaign maintenance
pay after the first requests from your ad
help me
per  1  hour
Getting your profile ready for the ad
USP creating
target audience research
Step-by-step ad launching plan
let's talk

Я и маркетинг

Я Маша и я потомственный маркетолог. Мой интерес к маркетингу возник еще с детства, когда моя мама возглавляла маркетинговый отдел на харьковском телеканале и преподавала практический маркетинг в Харьковской Академии культуры.
Когда мне было 17 лет передо мной стоял выбор: идти учиться в университет или познавать все на практике. Так я впервые оказалась в рекламном отделе телеканала R1 на должности менеджера по рекламе.
С тех пор я работала продавцом, маркетологом, бренд менеджером, организовывала конференции для архитекторов, управляла и владела рекламным агентством с партнером, создавала бренды одежды и нежного белья — и все еще кайфую от маркетинга и психологии потребления.
Все 17 лет я изучаю и применяю актуальные знания в маркетинге и продажах на практике, а последние 3 года углубленно занимаюсь таргетингом и обучаю актуальным знаниям и методикам своих клиентов и учеников

Денисова Мария - Маркетолог
Emodji target

Кусочек из прошлого

В 22 я со своей подругой открыла event-агентство в области архитектуры и дизайна. Мы объездили все города миллионники и провели там потрясающие вечера.

А знаете как все началось?

Мы знали что хотим делать что-то своё, но не знали как и что. Сняли офис в Одессе (я там тогда жила), поставили мебель, открыли бутылку шампанского и дело пошло...2 года после этого успешно проработали....

А это маленький кусочек того, как я первый раз была директором

Me and marketing

I am Masha and I am a hereditary marketer.
I've been involved with marketing for all my life.

Here I am 8 years old. I am listening to my mom with anticipation (my mother was the head of the Ad Department in one of the Kharkiv Tv channel and also give lectures in Marketing in Art Academy)

...I am 11. All the girls are interested in Kate Winslet roles and as to me, I am writing down the unknown but so intriguing words 'Ad', 'Sales', 'Clients'

...I am 17. I need to make up my mind if I should enter the University or start my practice. That is how I start working on the position of advertising manager. I am financially independent from my family.

...I am 20. The world is so huge and the funds are so low. No problem, I know the way. I work as a head of the Kharkiv department of "Home and Interior" magazine.

...I am 22. I live in Odessa (just because I can) and one evening we decide to open something with my friend. We open a bottle of sparkling wine and an event- agency in design and architecture.

...I am 24. We visited all the biggest cities of Ukraine organizing great conferences for architects.

...I am 27. I still wish to progress in marketing and improve the market of advertising, so I work as a marketer. I promote a cloths brand in two countries.

...I am 30. I'm making my first post in Instagram to answer numerous questions of clients and people around me and I don't even know where it can lead me to.

...I am 34. My blog has more than 35000 followers. Now I write post about marketing on regular basis as the number of questions is increasing. And it's the best high!

...2022 - am 35.  There are a few things in my bag. I'm leaving Ukraine, away from the war. I consult and cooperate for free with clients who want to develop European market, I get new experience. And I still believe like I'm 8 again, that marketing and sales are the most invaluable and interesting skills, no matter either I stay for a night in a field, or in a hotel.

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Need new clients?

Contact me in Telegram

My telegram